
Термины по тематике Общая лексика, содержащие appointee | все формы
civil service appointeeназначаемый профессиональный чиновник (between election day and inauguration day) used the authority vested in them by the Pendleton Act to classify political appointees as civil service appointees. Alexander Demidov)
later appointeeназначенный впоследствии (Назначенный впоследствии на должность = A later appointee to. James'sbrother John, a later appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, had a lawyer's bill to prove it. Alexander Demidov)
political appointeeполитический ставленник
political appointeeвыдвиженец
political appointeeполитназначенец
political appointeeполитвыдвиженец
political appointeeставленник
political appointeeназначенный на должность по политическим мотивам